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Design and Development #3

Intending to make a highpoly model to bake from (basically taking high resolution detail) I start modeling the floating geometry from the previous screenshot into the model itself. I started with the base of the ship include the thrusters, this took a loooong time. Making all the corners nice and crisp and remodeling everything I had made previously with a higher level of detail and poly count was taking a tremendous amount of time from my limited 2 week deadline.

The details are nice and smooth but its not worth the time

It took me a whole afternoon to get to this stage and I wasn't even done with the details on the base piece (I still had 2/3 of the ship to remake aswell) In the end I decided to ditch the idea of making a highpoly model because it would just take to much time.

The plus side from this was that I had nice geometry for the base of the model to work on and I was able to salvage pieces from the previous concept model to form a nice base model to start UV unwrapping and texturing.

I left the floating geometry and detail out because I plan on using substance painter to paint them back in using a normal map. (Should be fun I've never done that before but from what I've seen it doesnt look to hard)

On to UV Unwrapping, everyone favorite part of 3D modelling :(

If you didn't catch the sarcasm UV Unwrapping is my least favourite part. It's basically a map of your mesh displayed in 2D so that you can paint on it to create a texture. Its a very important step and its crucial that you think carefully when making one. You don't want large parts of your model to be squashed in the corner of your texture otherwise there will not be enough resolution for you to paint on.

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