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Initial Project Plan - MUV601 Assessment 3

I have chosen to go with content creation with a focus on visual complexity for the last assignment of MUV601. I chose this option because I've always liked creating art wether its 2D or 3D. The initial desire and inspiration to create, the motivation you gain by seeing your project come together and then watching as all the pieces align to create the final product is a feeling you cant replicate, it's truly the cherry on top.

This option will be the most fun and challenging for me as 3D hobbyist

1.) Because I've been wanting a reason to create again;

2.) Because I'll be able to personally grow as an artist by attempting to use new software and workflows (such as substance painter and its texturing pipeline), and;

3.) Contribute something to the Second Life community

I'm going to make a spaceship, its purpose within Second Life is to broaden the selection of spaceships currently available on the market, with an aim of reaching role-play communities and other creators. I've noticed that there are alot of paid content on the market currently, but my intention is to make something free, (or atleast relatively cheap) that's quality for less fortunate residents. It will have a Outlaw-ish / Junker like theme for role-players to take advantage of. Scrolling through the market I noticed alot of the models have a generic, pristine feel about them which reduce the ships character and background story which in turn limit role-playing possibilities.

Extra learning goals apart from growing as a 3D hobbyist include, importing the model and successfully rendering it inside a 3D Environment / engine, as well as learning to add basic customization (Such as colors, textures. Etc.) and functions (Such as lighting and particles) inside Second Life which will further cater to role-players by letting them alter the look and feel of their ship.

Here are some resources that will help guide the creation of the spaceship, I've been inspired by many things sci-fi, including: Star Wars, Star Citizen, Titanfall 2 and a much smaller abandoned game modification project for Half-Life 2 called Tales from the Galactopticon.

And of course Guardians of the Galaxy for extra feel good vibes

I'm excited.

EDIT: Updated with a rough timeline of the project, start to finish. I'll be leaving for 2 weeks after May 24th so I am determined to finish the project before then (I will still have time to work on it when I get back but Ill need that time for other assignments for other classes)

An annotated snapshot of my google calander (Click for a big size)

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